Metroid Prime 3: Corruption/List of Secret Worlds

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This document lists all the known Secret Worlds in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The numbering corresponds roughly to the order the secret worlds were discovered.

ID Region Room
1 Elysia Chozo Observatory
2 Pirate Homeworld Creche Transit
3 Elysia Zipline Station Charlie
4 Pirate Homeworld Skyway Access
5 Elysia Powerworks
6 Bryyo Temple of Bryyo
7 Elysia Piston Hall
8 Bryyo Gel Processing Site
9 Bryyo North Jungle Court
10 Bryyo Hillsite Vista
11 Bryyo Grand Court
12 Elysia Gearworks
13 Elysia Landing Site A
14 G.F.S. Valhalla Docking Bay 5
15 Elysia Main Docking Bay
16 Pirate Homeworld Phazon Quarry
17 Pirate Homeworld Defense Access
18 Pirate Homeworld Transit Station Leviathan
19 Pirate Homeworld Metroid Creche
20 Norion Generator B
21 Phaaze Cavern Alpha
22 Elysia Arrival Station
23 Elysia Concourse Ventilation
24 Bryyo Gateway Hall
25 Bryyo Hangar Bay Hall
26 Bryyo Colossus Vista
27 Bryyo Hidden Court Hall
28 Bryyo Enlightened Walkway
29 Bryyo Field Access
30 Bryyo Corrupted Pool
31 Elysia Ballista Storage
32 Norion Cargo Dock C
33 Elysia Zipline Station Alpha
34 Elysia Zipline Station Bravo
35 Elysia Hoverplat Docking Site
36 Elysia Skybridge Hera
37 Elysia Zipline Station Delta
38 Elysia Skybridge Athene
39 Phaaze Landing Site
40 Bryyo Gateway