Watering Hole

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Watering Hole is a room located in the Dark Agon Wastes in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It contains a Secret World that requires Screw Attack.

Quickly Crossing the Gap

There are multiple methods of quickly getting from one side to the other without standing on any of the other platforms. There are three methods in total.

Scan Dash/Extended Dash Method

By doing a Scan Dash across the gap, you can get enough distance to cross it without falling down. An extended dash will also work.

Roll Jump Method

Alternately, a Roll Jump will also give you the required distance.

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Space Jump Method

This is more precise than the scan dash method or the roll jump method, but it will still work. Jumping at the very edge of the platform is crucial in getting this to work.

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Secret World

By performing a Screw Attack into the dark roots protruding from the wall, it is possible to get out of bounds. This can be done with or without Space Jump Boots.