Sand Processing

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Revision as of 19:26, 30 May 2021 by HeadshotTAS (talk | contribs)
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Connecting Rooms
Main Reactor
Save Station C

Sand Processing is a room in the Pirate Labs portion of Agon Wastes in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It has a missile expansion.

Getting the Item Without Boost

There are two methods of getting this room's item without Boost Ball. One of them requires Screw Attack, while the other method doesn't.

Screw Attack Method

By performing a Bomb Space Jump, it is possible to get the required height with Screw Attack.

Other Method

This method takes advantage of the collision of the destructible turret that is standable after its destruction.

Without Bombs

This alternate method also uses Screw Attack in order to avoid using Bombs.

Getting Up the Half-Pipe Without Boost

Once the sand is drained, the game expects you to be able to get to the save station using Boost Ball. However, a BSJ can be used to get the required height without boost ball.

Secret World

TODO: Description and video