Crater Tunnel B

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Crater Tunnel B is a room located in the Impact Crater region of Metroid Prime. It is the room before the encounter with the boss Metroid Prime. It is also the room in which Exo Skip starts, exploiting a Secret World that makes use of a small gap in the room's boundaries to get Out of Bounds.

General Information

Room Layer Information
Don't load

Exo Skip

Exo Skip is a trick discovered by gdVertigo. By luring a Metroid into the room, you can get Repositioned out of bounds if the Metroid is positioned properly and the Samus rolls into the corner at the appropriate time. This trick allows you to skip the Exoskeleton Phase of Metroid Prime.

Secret World Setup & Wallcrawl

Unmorphed SW

It is also possible to perform this SW while unmorphed, though this isn't widely used. Setups that use the Morph Ball are more common, and therefore more widely recommended. Since the Morph Ball is used to lure the Metroid into the room, this does not skip that requirement.

Tutorial by MrMiguel


RTA vs TAS Fight
