Mining Station B

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Connecting Rooms
Mine Shaft
Storage A
Transit Station
Trial Grounds

Mining Station B is a room located in the Agon Wastes region of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It contains Darkburst and a Secret World.

General Information

Room Layer Information
1st Pass
2nd Pass
DarkBeam Combo Attainment
Post Dark Beam Combo

Obtaining Darkburst Early

It is possible to obtain Darkburst without ever having to go to Dark Agon. There are many methods of doing this.

Screw Attack Method

A good Bomb Space Jump into a Screw Attack is enough to get the height needed to grab Darkburst.

Bomb Space Jump Method

This method is similar to the above, but it gets the BSJ in a different place and doesn't utilize Screw Attack.

Space Jump Method (Pre-Puzzle)

With a precise Slope Jump and before solving the puzzle, it is possible to climb the room with just Space Jump.

Space Jump Method (Post-Puzzle)

If you don't have Screw Attack, you can still get to Darkburst simply by doing a couple of slope jumps.

Seeker Skip

Using a missile along with a well-placed Screw Attack, it is possible to break the seeker door without seekers.

Secret World

Screw Attack Method

The Morph Ball tunnel can be used to get a Secret World using Screw Attack.

Sandigger Method

TODO: Description and Video

Space Jump Method

By abusing terrain and with a precise dash, it is possible to get Out of Bounds with just Space Jump.