Reflecting Pool

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Connecting Rooms
Reflecting Pool Access
Save Station 3
Transport Access South

Reflecting Pool is a room located in the Chozo Ruins region of Metroid Prime. The intended way of doing this room is by draining the pool by laying a Morph Ball Bomb on the drain, then using Boost Ball to get on the upper level. However, speedruns skip this entire process.

During Randomizers, before entering the room Antechamber, make sure you that you have the Ice Beam or that it is inside the room. Otherwise you will get stuck by the Ice Beam door and will be forced to reset.

General Information

Room Layer Information
Water Scripting
2nd Pass enemies
Old Toads

Destroying the drain cover and draining the water disables layer "Water Scripting" in this room.

Without Boost Ball

  1. Jump on the lone Stone Toad (the only one on its side) on the side of the pool. They can be a bit slippery so just make sure to land dead center on its head.
  2. Face toward the hole on the second floor right next to the Stone Toad.
  3. Perform a Ghetto Jump by slightly hugging the left wall on the first jump.
  4. Use the Space Jump (second jump) to land on the second floor.

Without Boost Ball and Space Jump

TODO: Description