Phendrana Shorelines

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Revision as of 17:31, 22 September 2020 by Dyceron (talk | contribs)
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Phendrana Shorelines is a room in the Phendrana Drifts region of Metroid Prime.


  • 2 Missile Expansions

Climb without Space Jump

Climb up to the two upper doors without space jump or looping around through Ice Ruins East. Do a ladder DBJ to reach the floating platform


  • Morph
  • Bombs

Secret World

File:Secret World 6
  • There are 5 methods to enter this Secret World, all of which involve a lengthy dash to a platform across the map. Practice up on your dashing skills.
  • First dash; the original. Turn on your scan visor and look over to where you collected/will collect the wave beam. Lock onto the conduit, and do your ridiculously awesome dash to the right.
  • Second dash; the PAL original: Turn on the X-Ray visor and lock onto any one of the Flickerbats running around in circles. Note their pattern until you know exactly when they're going to turn right, then just before they do, do another super awesome dash to the right.
  • As far as I know, these next three were discovered personally by me, SamusRox/Tom Lube.
  • Third-Fifth dashes; PAL/Universal dash: For the first PAL dash, it's required to pick up the wave beam first. Now look down and shoot the Sheegoth that's pretty much right in front of you when you exit Ruins Access. Lock on to him and dash to the right. You'll probably need to bend this dash forward to make it fit, but it works.
  • The second of the PAL dashes is a bit longer to set up, but it's likely easier for anyone having a hard time with dashes. Walk over to Plaza Walkway, open the door and lock on to whatever enemy is in there. Now walk back to where you usually dash and dash, except you dash to the left this time. Tricky.
  • The last of the PAL dashes is an even longer setup, but is a bit more natural dash to the right. Walk down to the lower part of the platform, and jump over the edge while looking parallel to the door to Chozo Ice Temple. Lock onto the furthest Ice Bitch and then walk to the highest spot on the platform and dash to the right again. This is probably the easiest of the PAL dashes.