Early Dark Beam

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One of the first items to be collected in most categories is the Dark Beam. Speedrunners of Echoes have found increasingly fast ways to collect this item in as little time as possible, leading to the creation of two separate routes. These routes start in two different rooms:

From Mining Plaza

Rooms Traversed
In This Wallcrawl
Mining Plaza (start)
Mining Station Access
Mining Station A
Temple Access
Agon Temple
Ventilation Area A
Main Reactor (end)

Mining Plaza

Mining Station Access

Mining Station A

Temple Access

Agon Temple


Ventilation Area A

Main Reactor

  • Do the Sandigger SW and wallcrawl all the way to Command Center, and then go left from here. The next room needs to be force loaded, so shoot the first door and walk near it to start the loading process. Be absolutely certain to not hold R when transitioning to this next room, since that crashes the game for some unknown reason.
  • From here you have two options: you can fight Dark Samus before Dark Beam or not fight her.
  • You want to do the first option in Any% and the second option in 6% and 100%.
  • If not fighting, transition to Main Reactor then scan dash left off the top of the door and walk to Storage D so it loads around you.
  • If fighting Dark Samus, walk into Main Reactor while it's loading so that you are placed where the fight trigger would be. When it finishes loading, you will activate the fight and be warped inbounds. Defeat Dark Samus and take the elevator up to Storage D.

TODO: <video of wallcrawls, both methods>

From Agon Temple

Rooms Traversed
In This Wallcrawl
Agon Temple (start)
Ventilation Area A
Main Reactor (end)

Agon Temple

Rest of Wallcrawl

The rest of this wallcrawl is identical to what is done in the above slower method, since at this point the two routes converge. TODO: Steps and video of wallcrawl